W1U 2 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

W1U 2 is a postcode sector in Westminster, UK. Below is a complete list of W1U 2 Postcodes (Active). W1U 2 postcode sector comprises of 140 active postcodes. W1U 2 sector has a population of 354, and it has 211 properties in the region.

Browse Information On W1U 2 postcode sector

W1U 2 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 354
Addresses / Property Count 211
Active Postcodes 140
Nearby Postcode Districts 34
Nearby Postcode Sectors 7

View Map Of W1U 2 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 140 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
W1U 2AA 51.51676700 -0.15092000 N/A N/A 528398 181381
W1U 2AD 51.51612200 -0.14934600 19 33 528509 181312
W1U 2AF 51.51735600 -0.15046800 N/A N/A 528428 181447
W1U 2AJ 51.51740500 -0.15013400 1 2 528451 181453
W1U 2AN 51.51760600 -0.14980900 5 11 528473 181476
W1U 2AQ 51.51737900 -0.15036200 N/A N/A 528435 181450
W1U 2AU 51.51640800 -0.14924800 N/A N/A 528515 181344
W1U 2AW 51.51756600 -0.15012800 2 3 528451 181471
W1U 2AY 51.51688300 -0.15084300 1 2 528403 181394
W1U 2BA 51.51676700 -0.15092000 N/A N/A 528398 181381
W1U 2BB 51.51714500 -0.15089000 1 5 528399 181423
W1U 2BE 51.51651600 -0.15097300 N/A N/A 528395 181353
W1U 2BF 51.51617300 -0.15085800 9 13 528404 181315
W1U 2BG 51.51628100 -0.15089700 N/A N/A 528401 181327
W1U 2BJ 51.51724300 -0.15031000 N/A N/A 528439 181435
W1U 2BP 51.51665400 -0.14828700 N/A N/A 528581 181373
W1U 2BQ 51.51637200 -0.15092200 1 3 528399 181337
W1U 2DB 51.51605900 -0.14932000 N/A N/A 528511 181305
W1U 2DE 51.51827300 -0.15003800 N/A N/A 528455 181550
W1U 2DF 51.51831900 -0.15120300 N/A N/A 528374 181553
W1U 2DG 51.51840500 -0.15098300 2 2 528389 181563
W1U 2DH 51.51846400 -0.15061000 1 2 528415 181570
W1U 2DL 51.51857300 -0.15025600 N/A N/A 528439 181583
W1U 2DN 51.51845600 -0.15021800 N/A N/A 528442 181570
W1U 2DQ 51.51844700 -0.15076600 1 2 528404 181568
W1U 2DR 51.51567300 -0.14883100 N/A N/A 528546 181263
W1U 2DW 51.51827000 -0.15024300 N/A N/A 528441 181549
W1U 2DX 51.51829700 -0.15326500 N/A N/A 528231 181547
W1U 2EA 51.51733900 -0.14952800 N/A N/A 528493 181447
W1U 2EB 51.51733900 -0.14952800 N/A N/A 528493 181447
W1U 2ED 51.51733900 -0.14952800 1 2 528493 181447
W1U 2EF 51.51732000 -0.14989300 N/A N/A 528468 181444
W1U 2EG 51.51729300 -0.15002000 N/A N/A 528459 181441
W1U 2EH 51.51725100 -0.15019400 7 9 528447 181436
W1U 2EJ 51.51722700 -0.15039700 N/A N/A 528433 181433
W1U 2EL 51.51722700 -0.15039700 N/A N/A 528433 181433
W1U 2EN 51.51721900 -0.15048400 N/A N/A 528427 181432
W1U 2EP 51.51724000 -0.15065600 7 13 528415 181434
W1U 2EQ 51.51728500 -0.15012100 5 6 528452 181440
W1U 2ER 51.51692000 -0.15030900 8 16 528440 181399
W1U 2ES 51.51698000 -0.15016200 N/A N/A 528450 181406
W1U 2EU 51.51703000 -0.14988600 N/A N/A 528469 181412
W1U 2EW 51.51721900 -0.15048400 N/A N/A 528427 181432
W1U 2FA 51.51733300 -0.14974400 N/A N/A 528478 181446
W1U 2HA 51.51691600 -0.14837700 N/A N/A 528574 181402
W1U 2HH 51.51824900 -0.15077400 N/A N/A 528404 181546
W1U 2HU 51.51826700 -0.15021100 2 3 528443 181549
W1U 2HX 51.51829100 -0.15061300 N/A N/A 528415 181551
W1U 2HY 51.51829800 -0.15046900 N/A N/A 528425 181552
W1U 2JB 51.51774100 -0.14992900 20 29 528464 181491
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